Saturday, November 1, 2008

State Fair of Texas

Nilson and Charlie enjoy the kids farm at the Texas State Fair before we hit the rides. The boys also witnessed a live birth of a llama at the petting zoo. Nilson exclaimed "That was so cool" as the baby llama attempted to stand.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Day at the ZOO

Charlie figured out how to cool off!

Raquel and her sister took the kids to the Dallas Zoo. It was a very hot Texas day, but the kids had a great time!

The boys and their dog. They have such a great time with her!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Family Vacation 2008

Welcome to the Goranson Furlong Family Blog. We'll try and keep it up to date. We just got back from our family vacation for 2008. We stopped in New Orleans and then headed to Destin Florida where the beaches are amazing. We all had dinner on Bourbon Street where Nils amazed the people next to us by eating an entire fried crab. Nilson and Charlie enjoyed wearing the beignets at Cafe Du Monde.

The boys loved the beach. Nilson would venture far enough to get submerged by the 4 foot waves. Charile was more comfortable on mommy's or Daddy's lap while the waves tickled his feet.